Gerald & Kiley Fadayomi were married in Roswell in 2017. They both have a heart for the city and a passion to see lives transformed by the gospel.
Gerald is an Atlanta native who spent 4 years as a Student Pastor at North Point Ministries, and almost 2 years on staff at Local Church Forsyth as the Creative and Young Adults Pastor.
Kiley is originally from Chicago, but has lived in Atlanta since 2009. She also served on staff at Northpoint ministries as a Volunteer Coordinator for Kidstuf.
Gerald & Kiley felt the Lord leading them to plant Home Church in October of 2020, and have been blown away by how the Lord has been moving. They envision a diverse community of people making memories together, breaking bread, growing in our faith and character, serving the city, and being transformed by the power of the Living God as we gather together to worship Him.
They have four girls, Wesley Grace, Zoey Faith, Trinity Hope, and Lively Love.
Frank Bealer - Operations & Strategy Director
Gabi Benitez - Communications Director
Tim Benitez - Youth Director
Lauren Daniel - Gathering Department Executive Assistant
Susanna Kennedy - Communications Coordinator / Apprentice
Connor Kennedy - Pastoral Apprentice
Jenny Krueger - Children's Director
Kirsten Nelson - Outreach Coordinator
Taylor Nettles - Pastoral Office Executive Assistant
Shala Nolan - Groups Director
Philip Thurman - Community Engagement Pastor
Christian Seay - Gathering Director