Our mission at Home Church is to lead people to fully follow Jesus by moving them from consumer to participant. We believe that the journey of following Jesus is all about trust and steps. Trusting God to save, lead, and direct you, and taking the steps He is leading you to.
At Home Church we try our best to provide next steps for you to grow in your faith. Below are a few ways you can take the next step:
Pathways is our 2 week discipleship journey where you deepen your faith, discover your purpose, and develop meaningful relationships. Pathways is the only way to get plugged into a Bible study group, serve on Sunday mornings, and learn more of the mission and vision of the church. Join us for our next Pathways Class.
We believe that each person is designed with abilities and gifts which are given to us to build God's kingdom. Serve teams are where those who have completed Pathways are equipped and empowered to steward their gifts in the way God created them by serving on one of our many teams.
Missions trips are an incredible way to experience God in a unique way, deepen your faith, and serve in a different setting alongside of your Home Church family!
In 2024, there will be three opportunities to serve on a mission trip: Hope Heals, Lighthouse Family Retreat, and Heart for Lebanon.
Find out more about each mission trip at the link below!
We believe that baptism is a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Symbolically baptism represents a death to our old self and the new life we have in Jesus in light of his death, burial, and resurrection. The decision to be baptized is a big deal and we are excited to walk through the process with you.
Life moves at the speed of your relationships. Bible studies are where you find your people and a place you can call home. These are the spaces you will grow spiritually when connecting around God's word through community and discipleship.
Home Church hangs are social gatherings designed to help you find and foster community at Home Church. You can expect to meet new people, eat great food and make meaningful connections with people in the same stage of life as you. Hangs meet every other month and are a great opportunity to invite a friend.